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Lord of the Rings, Middle Earth

Ben jij een Midden-Aarde fan? Dan is dit wellicht jou spel! Leid je miniatuur legers van Rohirrim, Galadrim, Rangers of misschien wel je Enten tegen de krachten van het kwaad. Of sluit jij je liever bij Sauron aan en neem je de leiding over de Haradrim, Orks, spinnen of Nazgûls? Verzamel, bouw, schilder en test je strategische vaardigheden met dit spel.

Meld je snel aan en graag tot dan! Voor meer info kunnen jullie contact met ons opnemen via arnhemmesbg@gmail.com,  

Hearken, O noble folk of Middle-earth, from the misty vales of the Shire to the towering peaks of the Misty Mountains! By the decree of the Loremasters and the whispers of the Valar, let it be known that a grand Tournament of Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game is to unfold upon this 13th day of April in the year 2024 of the Third Age.

 Gather, valiant captains, at the crossroads of adventure, where the shadows of Mirkwood dance with the dappled light of the moon. Upon the verdant fields of Buckland, where the Hobbits of the Shire dwell, a muster of 400 points shall be convened – a modest assembly, yet one brimming with the spirit of camaraderie and valor.

 As the gentle breeze rustles the leaves of the trees and the laughter of Hobbits fills the air, let each host take up arms, drawing upon the strength and cunning of their chosen armies. From the Hobbits of the Shire to the proud warriors of Rohan, let them assemble their forces, for in unity lies the true strength of Middle-earth.

 But amidst the hostings, let us not forget the tale of Sebastian, the humble hedgehog of Hobbiton. Though small in stature, his courage and loyalty are unmatched, and his spirit resonates within the hearts of all who dwell in the peaceful corners of the Shire. Let his presence be felt, a reminder that even the meekest creatures may hold the key to great deeds.

 As the sun climbs high in the sky, battles shall be waged upon the fields of Buckland, each engagement a testament to the valor and strategy of those who tread upon its soil. May the dice roll true, guided by the hand of fate, and may the bonds of fellowship endure like the rolling hills of the Green Hill Country.

 In the twilight hours, when the stars twinkle with the light of Eärendil's Silmaril, victors shall be celebrated, not for the spoils of war, but for the courage and honor they have displayed upon the field. Let this Tournament of Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game be a beacon of hope in a world shrouded in darkness, a testament to the enduring spirit of Middle-earth.

 Gather your armies, O valiant captains, and let the banners of your kinfolk flutter in the wind. By the grace of the Valar and the wisdom of the Wise, let the Tournament commence, and may the spirit of Sebastian guide your every step upon this hallowed ground.

Mee doen?

Start tijd:
5 oktober 2024 10:00
Eind tijd:
5 oktober 2024 18:00
Nog 4 plekken beschikbaar!