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Blood on the Clocktower

The following text is in English because the game will be played in English.

Blood on the Clocktower is a bluffing game enjoyed by 5 to 20 players on opposing teams of Good and Evil, overseen by a Storyteller player who conducts the action and makes crucial decisions. The goal of the game is to successfully deduce and execute the demons before they outnumber the townfolk.

During a 'day' phase players socialize openly and whisper privately to trade knowledge or spread lies, culminating in a player's execution if a majority suspects them of being Evil. Of a 'night' time, players close their eyes and are woken one at a time by the Storyteller to gather information, spread mischief, or kill.

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app clock.jpg 98.06 KB

Mee doen?

Start tijd:
22 maart 2024 19:00
Eind tijd:
22 maart 2024 22:30

Evenement is vol!